Paris computational and systems neuroscience symposium
2nd June, 2022
Jean-Jaures Auditorium
Ecole Normale Superieure, 29 Rue d’Ulm
9.00 coffee
9.30 Session I
Matthew Chalk
Catherine Tallon-Baudry
Michael Zugaro
11.00 break
11.30 Session II
Roberto Toro: How to network
Timo van Kerkoerle
Justine Cassell (Plenary, 45 mins)
13.00 Lunch
14.00 Session II
Brice Bathellier
Jean-Baptiste Masson
Claire Sergent
15.30 Coffee
16.00 Session IV
Virginie van Wassenhove
Vincent Hakim
David DiGregorio
17.30 Reception